All About Keywords

Whether your business is brick and mortar or entirely online, you want to have a solid web presence that your customers can easily find. One of the keys to being easy to find is having good keywords.

What are keywords?
A keyword is a word or phrase – usually about an idea or topic – that interested parties can type into a search engine to find what they’re looking for. In order for people to be able to find your website, you want to make sure that all of the content on your website reflects topics or items that your prospective customers might be looking for!

How to pick keywords
To start picking your keywords, you first need to carefully consider what your organization provides for your audience (information topics, products, services, etc.), and who your audience is and how they would phrase what they’re looking for. Next, you need to consider your goals when it comes to SEO (Search Engine Optimization)- for instance, how fast you want to see results, and what type of web traffic you’re seeking. With your goals and audience in mind, you can begin doing some research to come up with ideas for how your content can fit with what people are searching for and create a master list of all possible keywords. Of course, having too many keywords isn’t going to be useful, so the next step is to narrow down the list so that the strongest keywords are emphasized. Things to consider for each potential keyword are search volume, level of competition, and relevance to your specific brand.

For more information on keyword quality, check out these keyword research tips from the experts of Moz.

How to use keywords
Keywords are an important aspect of SEO, but that doesn’t mean you need to overload your content with your selected keywords. Make sure that 1) your website copy and images are customer-focused and provide concise and intuitive descriptions of what your organization has to offer, and 2) keywords your customer will be searching for appearing organically in your website, which will enhance keyword searches and SEO. In short, focusing purely on keywords is an outdated strategy, but taking an approach to content creation that satisfies user intent will fill your website with keywords in an organic way!

Keyword search is just a part of what we do.  Register for a free SEO audit for your website and start a conversation. We’ll help your customers find you!